Thursday 16 May 2013

Off the Record with Jacob & Joshua

This is reporter Lisa, coming to you from the Air Canada Lounge.  I am sitting here with Mr Jacob & Mr Joshua for a brief interview before they depart to Singapore.

L: How are you feeling about the move?
Jake: Umm, sad. I will miss my family, my grandma, auntie, uncle and my baby cousin, Anna.  I will miss everyone.

L: So, your emotions are just sad?
Jake: Well, not just sad, I am kind of excited about the journey to Singapore.  I am excited about the zoo & to check out all the cool stuff there

L: Josh, tell me how you're feeling
Josh: Well, you know what, I am kind of sad but kind of excited because I will get to see a lot of new things like new animals. But like my brother said, I will miss my family

L: What is the first thing you want to do when you get there?
Jake: Sleep
Josh: Sleep

L: What piece of advice would you give other families when moving across the world?
Jake: Be positive
Josh: Well, I think a lot of people fart a lot when they go there - like blmph blmph

L: Singapore is a very hot country.  Any tips for beating the heat?
Jake: Live in a big huge fan. Swim.
Josh: Well....stick my head in the toilet

L: Anything you want to tell our readers?
Jake: Have fun & be positive!
Josh: Hi, I love you. You are very nice.

That concludes our interview for this week.  Please tune in again for the next instalment of  'Off the Record'


  1. Hopefully Josh will be able to control his flatulence on the plane ride or it will be an extra long flight, for an already long flight, for everyone around him!

  2. Josh farting, Jake puking....disaster! All part of the journey onwards...

  3. Oops our last post didn't work... the boys were tickled with the update! Huge fans of Jake's attitude and Josh's comments about farts! Also got a good chuckle out of the fact that J&J wanted to SLEEP first thing when they got there!!

  4. Baaahahahaha. Josh. What a gross boy. :)
