Sunday 19 May 2013

Off The Record with Jason

After tucking the boys in for night, Jason joins me for his first interview since arriving in Singapore.

L: Tell me about your first couple of days in Singapore
J: Seriously Lisa, I only have to answer five questions and your first is big enough for a book! (Jason is trying to book flights for a work trip while I conduct this interview).
L: Ok, how about three words to describe your first three days

L: What has struck you as most different from the North American culture?
J: Skinny people

L: What has been the hardest thing to adjust too?
J: Humidity

L: What are you looking forward too?
J: Making our own meals (our kitchen is small and ill-equipped so other than the eggs that we cooked this morning, we have ate out for all of our meals)

L: What advice would you give to someone traveling to South East Asia?
J: Fly first class

L: Thanks for joining in.  Next time, I will ensure that I have Jason's full attention to avoid the one word responses ☺

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys. Yes it is Grandma and Papa. Shocking huh. so glad you guys are having fun. We are anxious to see pictures. Love you guys and miss you but so happy you are having quite an experience.
